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Symptoms of ADHD in Children

It’s normal for children to act out. You want your child to test boundaries and show independence, which are both normal milestones in a child’s development. If your child is Read More

Signs Your Child Has ADHD

Parents want the best for their child, which is why check-ups and appointments with their pediatricians are so important. Yet your pediatrician isn’t just available for when your child is Read More

Signs That Your Child May Have ADHD

You've about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD. You wonder if your child is showing signs of this brain-based disorder. Is he just bratty and disruptive, or is something amiss? Read More

Learning and Developmental Disabilities

Is your child struggling to get a proper education because of a learning disability? If so, contact your Gaithersburg, MD, pediatrician, Dr. Farnoush Jamali at Prime Pediatrics. IEP in Gaithersburg Individualized Education Program (IEP) helps children integrate in a Read More

What Is ADHD? Does My Child Suffer from It?

You worry about your child's impulsiveness and restless behavior. Her first grade teacher says she cannot sit still for story time, and quiet work is almost impossible work. You've heard of ADHD (Attention Read More

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