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Treating Your Child's Ear Infection

An ear infection is one of the most common infections that children have to deal with. In fact, most children will experience at least one ear infection by the time Read More

Dealing With Sports Injuries

Millions of children across the US regularly participate in some kind of sport. No matter whether your child is a dancer, gymnast, soccer player, or football player, the goals of Read More

The Importance Of Regular Wellness Visits

One moment your child is born and the next moment they are sitting up, saying their first word and taking their first steps. It’s amazing just how many milestones your Read More

Signs of Appendicitis

Truth is, anyone with an appendix can get appendicitis—even our children. Appendicitis is a painful inflammation of the hollow, finger-shaped organ attached to the end of the large intestine. If Read More

Keep Your Kids Safe from Concussions

A hit to the head during a soccer game or a hard fall from skateboarding may result in a serious head injury and even a concussion. The American Academy of Read More

FAQs about Asthma

Find out everything you need to know about childhood asthma and treatments. Has our Gaithersburg, MD, pediatrician Dr. Farnoush Jamali at Prime Pediatrics just recently told you that your child Read More

FAQs About Car Seats and Recommendations

Kids may complain about being restrained in the car, but car seats and booster seats save lives. In fact, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that using a car Read More

What Happens During a Child Physical Exam?

Once your child is born it’s amazing just how quickly they grow and develop. It seems like you blink and suddenly they are talking and walking. During these important milestones Read More

The Importance of Childhood Vaccines

How immunizations from your pediatrician in Gaithersburg, MD, can protect your child You may be wondering about vaccines. Do they work? Are they safe? The truth is, vaccines are one of Read More

Treating Sports Injuries

Your child's sports injury can be treated just as your injury was. Or, can it? Your pediatrician knows that a child's body is still developing, responding differently to acute and Read More

What is Autism?

What is Autism? Autism spectrum disorder (ASD), or autism, is a developmental disability that can cause significant communication, communication, and behavioral challenges. The thinking, learning, and problem-solving abilities of individuals with Read More

Proper Nutrition Habits

Why Proper Nutrition is Important As a parent, it goes without saying that you want what is best for your child. Making sure that your little ones grow up healthy, happy, Read More

Signs That Your Child May Have ADHD

You've about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD. You wonder if your child is showing signs of this brain-based disorder. Is he just bratty and disruptive, or is something amiss? Read More

Dealing With Chickenpox

At some point in our childhood, we might have experienced chicken pox. While chicken pox most often occurs in children under the age of 12, it can also occur in Read More

What You Need to Know About Childhood Autism

A childhood diagnosis like autism produces many questions and concerns. Arming yourself with knowledge about this condition and what it means for your child is a necessity in order to Read More

What is Whooping Cough?

Named after the characteristic sound of its notorious coughing fits, whooping cough is an extraordinarily uncomfortable condition that typically manifests itself in babies and in children ages 11 to 18 Read More

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