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Viewing 81 - 96 out of 206 posts


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When To Schedule an ADHD Screening Test for Your Child

Know the signs that it might be time to have your child evaluated for ADHD. ADHD is definitely a hot-button topic these days, especially when it comes to school-age kids. When Read More

FAQs About Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease

Hand, foot and mouth disease isn’t a childhood infection that’s often discussed but should be. After all, this communicable viral infection is more common in young children than most people Read More

Does My Child Need Glasses?

We all want our children to be healthy and to have the best chance for success, especially once they start school. Of course, your child must be getting regular vision Read More

Preventing Pediatric Heat Stroke

Climate change has certainly caused the temperatures to climb here in the US, especially during the summer. While we know that kids love to play outdoors, when temperatures are high Read More

Keeping Up With Your Child's Immunization Schedule

We understand that bringing your child in for a shot certainly isn’t fun for anyone, but keeping your child updated on vaccines is one of the most effective ways to Read More

The Importance of Preventive Care

Preventive care is an excellent way to help your child enjoy better health. A key component of preventive care is scheduling annual well-visits with your child’s pediatrician. Well-visits allow the Read More

Symptoms Of Your Child's Ear Infection

Wondering if your child might be dealing with an ear infection? While you will certainly know when you’re dealing with an ear infection; unfortunately kids, particularly newborns and toddlers, can’t tell Read More

Bringing Your Child in for Whooping Cough

Pertussis, more commonly referred to as whooping cough, is a contagious bacterial infection of the lungs. The nickname comes from the “whooping” sound that occurs when a child breathes. While Read More

Head Lice And How To Treat It

You’ve just received a call from the school: someone in your child’s class has head lice. We know that hearing that your child has or might have head lice can Read More

Diabetes in Children

In the past, the most common type of diabetes to affect children and teens was type 1 diabetes. This is also referred to as juvenile diabetes. In children with type Read More

Keeping Your Child Safe While Traveling

Whether you’re simply taking a weekend trip to visit the grandparents, or you and the family are flying internationally, you must know how to keep everyone healthy and safe while Read More

Signs of a Urinary Tract Infection in Children

Scheduled bathroom times are necessary to get young children accustomed to having control over their bodies. What happens if your child is going way more than usual, or complains of Read More

Strep Throat: What You Need To Know

How your children’s doctors in Gaithersburg, Maryland can help if your child has strep throat Strep throat is a common problem, especially with children. Signs and symptoms of strep throat can Read More

Signs of a Pediatric UTI

A urinary tract infection isn’t just something that happens to adults. Children can also develop UTIs. Since children are more likely to suffer from kidney damage as a result of Read More

The Signs of Tonsillitis

Could your child's throat pain be caused by tonsillitis? The inflammation, a common cause of sore throats in children, is among the many illnesses your child's pediatricians, Drs. Farnoush Jamali Read More

Signs That Your Child Has Conjunctivitis

How your pediatricians in Gaithersburg, Maryland can help protect your child’s eyes If your child has ever had conjunctivitis, it can be scary. Your child’s vision is important, and you want Read More

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