My Blog

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Fit Kids, Healthy Kids—How to Make Exercise a Way of Life

Children need physical activity on a regular basis to keep them healthy and strong.  It’s unfortunate that many kids today are considered overweight.  In fact, according to Centers for Disease Read More

Battling Teenage Acne

Acne is by far the most common skin complaint among teenagers, affecting nearly all of those between the ages of 12 and 17 at least occasionally, according to the American Read More

What to Do If Your Child Has Allergies?

Find out how to subdue your child’s allergy symptoms to keep them healthy and happy. Have you noticed that your little one has become to sneeze or cough persistently? Have they Read More

How to Keep Injuries at Bay when Kids are at Play

Whether it’s at the park, school or in your own backyard, kids of all ages enjoy climbing on the monkey bars, going down the slide and swinging.  Playgrounds are a Read More

How to Avoid and Manage Dreaded Head Lice

Two words parents dread hearing: head lice. Head lice are parasites that can be found on the heads of people, most common among preschool and elementary children. Each year millions Read More

What Happens if My Child has Strep Throat?

Find out what to do if you child comes down with strep throat. No one likes dealing with a sick child; however, at some point your child is going to come Read More

How to deal with childhood Asthma

Childhood asthma can be very stressful for both the children whom it affects as well their parents. Asthma is a serious, life-threatening condition affecting millions of American children each year. Read More

Use Your Head: How to Keep Your Kids Safe from Concussions

A hit to the head during a soccer game or a hard fall from skateboarding may result in a serious head injury and even a concussion.  The American Academy of Read More

Fighting Flu Season: How to Protect Your Family from the Influenza Virus

With the arrival of flu season, many parents will be watching their children closely for symptoms of this dreaded virus.  The flu, also known as influenza, is a highly contagious Read More

What Is a Flu Shot, and Why Is It Important?

Flu season is upon us, and one way to ensure your child does not get this virus -- or experiences reduced severity of symptoms -- is to have him or Read More

Welcome to Our Blog

Welcome to the Blog of Prime Pediatrics Whether your child is an existing patient or you’re searching for a pediatrician in the Gaithersburg, MD area, we’re excited you are here. With Read More

May: Physical Fitness and Sports Month

It's that time of year again when an entire month is focused on the benefits and necessity of physical fitness. Everybody should challenge himself or herself to do something that Read More

Spring Past Spring Allergies This Season

Gaithersburg residents have been waiting in anticipation for the snow to melt away. And most of this is in due part to the April showers. Once the earth soaks up Read More

Seasonal Influenza: Your Child’s Health

Flu season is in full swing, and many states are in the red zone for widespread flu. The strain of flu viruses, especially H1N1, is nothing to joke about. It’s Read More

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