Talking to Your Child's Doctor (for Parents)

Parents adore their children and when it comes to their health and development, a child’s well-being should be front and center. Among other things, this means taking your child to a pediatrician or family doctor for regular checkups. And if your child is sick, you may want to swing by the doctor’s office sooner. If you’re looking for a children doctor in Gaithersburg, MD, come see Dr. Farnoush Jamali at Prime Pediatrics.

Keeping An Eye On Your Child

Probably no one knows a child better than his or her family. It’s smart to keep a close eye out for any signs that something might be wrong.

Often, illnesses are accompanied by obvious symptoms, such as diarrhea or a sore, swollen throat. Sometimes, the warning signs aren’t so obvious. Your child may seem more moody than usual or more lethargic, for example. As a parent, it’s wise to watch your child closely to catch any warning signs.

If you're in need of a children doctor in Gaithersburg, MD, dial (301) 977-2440 to speak with Dr. Jamali at Prime Pediatrics.

While talking with a doctor, feel free to share your observations. Unsure of how to handle the conversation? Let’s take a look at how parents can handle their relationships with doctors.

Here’s How Parents Should Handle Talking With Doctors

You’ll be able to provide doctors with valuable insights into your child’s behavior and condition. You’ll want to present your observation clearly and with as many details as possible. If you’re struggling to remember everything, feel free to keep a journal so you can write down important points.

It’s also important to remember that doctors go through many years of medical schooling. And before they practice on their own, they’ll spend several years practicing under more experienced doctors. Often, doctors know what’s best when it comes to health and treatment.

As a parent, you may have picked up some info along the way too. You may have uncovered illnesses that correspond with your child’s symptoms, for example. It’s not a bad idea to share your thoughts with your doctor. That said, owing to experience and education, doctors are typically in a better place to make diagnoses.

You should discuss treatment options and outcomes with your doctor. Some conditions are extremely difficult to treat. For example, while antibiotics can kill off bacteria, they typically don’t affect viruses. Indeed, outside of vaccines, there are often few options for treating a virus.

Treatment can also be complicated. If you have questions about directions, say dosage sizes for medications, make sure you chat with your pediatrician. Also, make sure you closely follow your doctor’s recommendations. If you don’t, it could be detrimental to your child’s well-being.

Dial (301) 977-2440 to speak with Dr. Jamali at Prime Pediatrics if you're looking for a children doctor in Gaithersburg, MD.

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