When To Schedule an ADHD Screening Test for Your Child

Know the signs that it might be time to have your child evaluated for ADHD.

ADHD is definitely a hot-button topic these days, especially when it comes to school-age kids. When your child doesn’t seem to be paying attention, you may be wondering if they are just being defiant or if something more could be going on. Of course, detecting ADHD as quickly as possible in children is important for their personal, emotional, and academic success. Here are some signs that it might be time to turn to our Gaithersburg, MD, pediatrician Dr. Farnoush Jamali for an ADHD screening.

Your Child Fidgets… A Lot

It’s normal for kids to fidget or have trouble sitting still; even adults have issues with this from time to time, but if your child doesn’t ever seem to be able to sit still this could be a warning sign of ADHD. Kids with ADHD also have trouble playing quietly or sitting down to play. Kids with ADHD often have trouble sitting still in a classroom and may get out of their seats or disrupt the class often.

Your Child Leaves Tasks Incomplete

Does your child love to hop from one activity to the next but often leave things unfinished? Your child may show interest in lots of different things, but the telltale sign for our Gaithersburg, MD, pediatrician that something isn’t right is if your child starts things but rarely finishes them before they are switching their attention to something else.

Your Child is Often Daydreaming

Not only do you notice that your child has trouble paying attention or doesn’t seem to listen to directions when they are given, but your child’s teachers are also noticing it. In order for a child to be diagnosed with ADHD, their symptoms have to occur in more than just one environment. So if your child’s teachers also say that your little one has trouble listening to directions and often lacks focuses, and you notice this problem too, then it’s worth talking with our Gaithersburg, MD, pediatrician about whether an ADHD evaluation is needed.

Your Child Misplaces Things

Your child can’t ever seem to remember where they stashed their homework or where they put their school books. While we are all guilty of this, especially during moments of high stress, if your child is often misplacing or forgetting where they put things this could also be a sign of ADHD.

Dr. Jamali Is recognized as one of the leading pediatricians in the Washington, DC, area. If you are looking for a pediatrician in Gaithersburg, MD, that offers comprehensive ADHD screenings and evaluations, then call Prime Pediatrics today at (301) 977-2440 to learn more or to schedule an evaluation for your child.

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