What You Need to Know About Childhood Autism

A childhood diagnosis like autism produces many questions and concerns. Arming yourself with knowledge about this condition and what itAutism means for your child is a necessity in order to properly provide care for your young one. Find out more about childhood autism with Dr. Farnousuh Jamali at Prime Pediatrics in Gaithersburg, MD.


What is autism?
At its core, autism itself means that a child has challenges in social communication and exhibits restricted, repetitive behaviors. Often, the symptoms of autism begin in early childhood and occur persistently, interfering with the daily life of the child. The symptoms of autism may vary in intensity and happen alongside certain physical or mental conditions.


Does my child have autism?
The symptoms of autism can vary greatly from person to person as this condition has a very wide spectrum. However, some of the most common signs of autism include:

  • Repetitive behaviors like hand-flapping or rocking
  • High-energy or constantly moving
  • Difficulty pretending or participating in “make-believe”
  • Picky eating
  • Short attention span
  • Aggressive behavior
  • Trouble playing, sharing, or talking with others
  • Preference for being alone
  • Doesn’t like to be comforted while upset
  • Has a hard time identifying or understanding their own or others’ emotions
  • Avoids physical contact

Many children who fall on the autism spectrum do not speak at all or have delayed speech. Often, children may also have a flat or monotone voice if they do speak. They may also not use common gestures like waving or pointing.


Childhood Autism in Gaithersburg, MD
If you suspect your child may be on the autism spectrum, a consultation with their doctor can help you understand and manage their condition. An early diagnosis can greatly improve the quality of life of children with autism and their families. Since there is no single diagnostic test, your child’s pediatrician will observe their behaviors and look at the big picture along with autism spectrum specialists to make a final diagnosis.

For more information on childhood autism, please contact Dr. Farnousuh Jamali at Prime Pediatrics in Gaithersburg, MD. Call (301) 977-2440 to schedule an appointment for your child today!

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