What to Do if Your Child Has Tonsillitis?

Discover some helpful home remedies for treating most tonsillitis symptoms.

Are you worried that your child’s sore throat symptoms could be tonsillitis? If a virus is the root cause then this infection will go away on Tonsillitisits own with time, but if bacteria are to blame, then you will need to see your Gaithersburg pediatrician Dr. Farnoush Jamali for treatment.

Viral Tonsillitis

If your child has viral tonsillitis than their infection will go away without needing treatment from their Gaithersburg pediatrician Dr. Jamali. This doesn’t mean that your child will have to suffer through these painful symptoms in the meantime. Here are some ways to make your child feel more comfortable while fighting their infection:

Plenty of fluids: As you have probably heard before, it’s important that your child stay hydrated. While water is always a great choice it can be difficult to get your child to drink water when their throat is sore. Therefore, opt for some warm soothing tea or broth to help ease pain and swelling. Look for teas that are specially designed to ease sore throats.

Rest: In order for your child’s body to fight infection it will need lots of rest. Avoid any strenuous activity and make sure your child is getting enough sleep. Children between the ages of three to six should get anywhere from 10 to 12 hours of sleep per day. Children seven to 12 years old should aim for 10 to 11 hours.

Saltwater rinse: By adding a pinch of salt to an 8 oz. glass of lukewarm water and gargling with it, you can not only reduce swelling of the tonsils but also help remove mucus.

While these at-home remedies can be great for treating tonsillitis symptoms, you should always talk to your Gaithersburg pediatrician Dr. Jamali beforehand to make sure these alternative treatments are right for your little one.

Bacterial tonsillitis (Strep Throat)

If your child was feeling fine one second and then suddenly came down with a severely painful sore throat with a fever, then this could be a sign of bacterial tonsillitis. Their lymph nodes may also be swollen and the back of the throat may appear irritated and raw. If your child’s symptoms are severe then your Gaithersburg pediatrician Dr. Jamali may treat your child’s condition with antibiotics. A typical dose of antibiotics is 10 days, and this is usually enough to fully treat their strep throat. Some child may start to notice relief from their symptoms within the first one to two days of taking their medication.

Alleviate your child’s tonsillitis by seeing your Gaithersburg pediatrician today. Call Prime Pediatrics to schedule an appointment. Let’s get your little one feeling healthy again!

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