What Happens if My Child has Strep Throat?

Find out what to do if you child comes down with strep throat.

No one likes dealing with a sick child; however, at some point your child is going to come down with a common illness, particularly if your child is in school. If your child develops a painful illness like strep throat, your Gaithersburg pediatric doctor offers up some more information about this sickness and what you can do to reduce your child’s symptoms.

How did my child get strep throat?

While strep throat can happen to anyone, it’s most commonly found in children and teens. These infections are most common during the school year when germs can easily be spread within close quarters.

The group A streptococcus bacteria that is responsible for strep throat usually lives within the nose and throats of all individuals. Therefore, just the simple act of coughing or sneezing can easily spread an infection from one person to the next. In fact, someone who has strep throat can still spread the infection for up to three weeks after.

What is the difference between a sore throat and strep throat?

It’s important to note that your child can experience a sore throat without it being strep. A virus is often responsible for the development of most sore throats, and they typically go away on their own with medical attention. However, if your child has strep throat, they will start to manifest symptoms about three days after coming in contact with the bacteria.

Symptoms of strep throat include,

  • Painful or difficulty swallowing
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Red, swollen tonsils
  • Red or white patches on the throat
  • Malaise
  • Loss of appetite
  • Fever
  • Abdominal pain
  • Rash

What should I do if my child has strep throat?

The best way to diagnose strep throat in your child is to schedule an appointment with your Gaithersburg pediatrician. After examining your child’s throat and running a simple test to determine whether or not they have strep throat, we will discuss treatment options. The best way to treat strep throat is with antibiotics. Along with rest and plenty of fluids, your child should be feeling better in a few days.

How can I prevent strep throat in my child?

The best way to prevent strep throat in your little one is to teach them to the value of good hygiene. This means washing their hands often and thoroughly, especially after sneezing, coughing, before eating, or after being in public areas like bathrooms.

If your child is exhibiting signs of strep throat then it’s time to call your Gaithersburg children’s doctor, Dr. Farnoush Jamali at Prime Pediatrics.

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