The Importance Of Regular Wellness Checkups

Children need to go to the doctor for a wellness checkup at least once a year. At a wellness checkup, the pediatrician can help catch any wellness checkupsproblems early, when they may be easier to treat. Prime Pediatrics, which is located in Gaithersburg, MD, offers full-service, state-of-the-art pediatric care to children of all ages. Dr. Farnoush Jamali is one of the finest pediatricians in Gaithersburg, MD. Read on to find out why regular wellness checkups are so important.

About Wellness Checkups

Regular wellness checkups are an important aspect of children's health care. A wellness checkup is when you take your child to a pediatrician for a full checkup to make sure she or he is healthy and developing normally. This is different from other visits for injury or sickness.

Your Child's Medical History

During the wellness checkup, the pediatrician will have many questions about your child's medical history. Medical history checks help your child's doctor keep an eye for any patterns of chronic illness that may run in your family.

Physical Examination

During the wellness checkup, the doctor will do a comprehensive check of your child's body. This usually includes taking blood pressure and pulse readings, recording height and weight, and checking heart, lungs, abdomen, as well as ears, eyes, nose, skin, mouth, teeth and throat. The pediatrician will use growth charts to see how your child is growing compared with other children of the same gender and age.

Your Child's Vaccines

Illnesses that once killed children are highly preventable. During the wellness checkup, the doctor will give your child any necessary vaccinations that are due. Vaccinations are one of the best means of protection against contagious diseases. Research shows that children who are not vaccinated are at a much higher risk for getting sick.

Refilling Medications

An important task done at wellness checkups is managing and refilling medications. Speak with your child's doctor if you have questions about any medicine, including information about possible side effects or reactions. Both over-the-counter and prescription medications usually come with printed inserts about instructions on how to take the medication and common side effects. Read all information carefully before beginning the medication.

Advice & Guidance

During the wellness checkup, you will have an opportunity to get answers to your questions and medical advice. Your child's doctor may talk to you about nutrition, physical fitness, health and safety issues, and disease prevention. The pediatrician may ask about and provide counseling on behavioral problems, difficulties at school, learning problems, and other concerns.

If visits to the pediatrician haven't been one of your top priorities for the last few years, they should be. Don't wait another minute and call Prime Pediatrics at (301) 977-2440 today to schedule your child's wellness checkup in Gaithersburg, MD. A wellness checkup is among the best ways you can help protect your children's health and well-being.

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