The Importance of Childhood Vaccines

How immunizations from your pediatrician in Gaithersburg, MD, can protect your child

You may be wondering about vaccines. Do they work? Are they safe? The truth is, vaccines are one of the most effective, safest ways toImmunization prevent serious diseases. Dr. Farnoush Jamali at Prime Pediatrics in Gaithersburg, MD, offers comprehensive pediatric care, including immunizations to help protect your child.

Vaccines are thoroughly tested for safety and effectiveness and approved by the Food and Drug Administration before they are ever released to the public. You can be assured they are a safe way to protect your child from serious diseases.

Vaccines have reduced and eliminated many serious diseases including polio, meningitis, influenza, the measles, and many others. You can be assured vaccines are an effective way to protect your child from serious diseases.

Your child is required to be vaccinated against certain diseases in order to be admitted to daycare and to attend school. You must show proof that your child is current with immunizations, but that’s not the most important reason to get your child immunized. Immunizations protect children from serious, and even deadly diseases. Children are very susceptible to serious complications from diseases. Immunizations can help keep your child healthy.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends these vaccinations from birth to 18 years old:

  • (Hep B) Hepatitis B
  • (Dtap) Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis
  • (Hib) Haemophilus influenza type B
  • (IPV) Polio
  • (PCV13) Pneumococcal conjugate
  • (RV) Rotavirus
  • (MMR) Measles, mumps, rubella
  • (Varicella) Chickenpox
  • (HepA) Hepatitis A
  • (HPV) Human papillomavirus
  • (MCV4) Meningococcal conjugate
  • (Influenza) Flu

There is a lot of conflicting, incorrect information available about vaccines. The truth is, vaccines are an important way to protect your child’s health. Get the facts from an expert, your pediatrician! Just call Dr. Farnoush Jamali at Prime Pediatrics in Gaithersburg, MD. Call now to find out more!

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