Spring Past Spring Allergies This Season

Gaithersburg residents have been waiting in anticipation for the snow to melt away. And most of this is in due part to the April showers. Once the earth soaks up enough rain, we expect to see the grass sprout up, flowers bloom and the leaves grow back green. Those are visible signs of spring. Do you know what else is? Allergies.
The sniffling, sneezing and running nose kind of allergies that plague many people. Springtime allergies, also known as allergic rhinitis or hay fever, also affect many children. Our Gaithersburg pediatric practice offer key points for identifying and avoiding seasonal allergy triggers.
What are the symptoms of allergic rhinitis?
Hay fever symptoms aren’t fun to deal with. If you don’t know what the symptoms are, here is a list:
  • Chronic sneezing
  • Runny nose
  • Itchy, watery eyes
  • Itchy ears, nose or throat
It can be hard for your child to concentrate or get a good night’s rest with these overbearing allergy symptoms. Take note of the present symptoms and discuss them with a pediatrician. The doctor will be able to diagnose whether or not it is hay fever.
You want to talk to your child’s pediatrician before letting them take over-the-counter medicine.
It’s Time to Breathe a Sigh of Relief
We can provide some tips to help your child avoid allergy triggers. The first thing you can do is thoroughly clean your house, ridding it of dust, animal dander and molds. Second, have your child stay indoors especially when the pollen count is high.
Is your child not responding to over-the-counter allergy medicine? Please call our Gaithersburg pediatric office at (301) 977-2440. We can work with you to find a better approach for treating your child’s seasonal allergies.

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