Signs That Your Child May Have ADHD

You've about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD. You wonder if your child is showing signs of this brain-based disorder. Is he just bratty and disruptive, or is something amiss? At Prime Pediatrics in Gaithersburg, your children's doctor, Dr. Farnoush Jamali, helps families decipher the complexities of an ADHD diagnosis, getting children the help they need to function at their very best.

Child Who Can Not Pay AttentionWhat is ADHD and its symptoms?

ADHD is a developmental and behavioral disorder based in the brain. In other words, children, teens, and adults with this condition have brain functions and structures different from individuals who do not. In fact, a test called a functional MRI can help a physician make a definitive diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, reports Healthline.

Typically, children's doctors, such as Dr. Farnoush Jamali, refer children for additional evaluation (beyond a routine physical examination) when they show symptoms such as:

  • Extreme restlessness (cannot sit still)
  • Inability to finish homework or chores
  • Very limited attention span
  • Impulsiveness at school and at home
  • Does not listen well to conversations or directions
  • Forgetful and distracted
  • Constantly talking

Most children show symptoms by age 6 reports the National Institute for Mental Health. Signs must be severe and persistent to confirm a diagnosis, and parental input is key to proper evaluation.

Also, parents should not feel concerned that ADHD is their (or their child's) fault. This disorder, while seemingly has a hereditary component, does not come from poor parenting skills, a sugary diet, or other environmental factors, says the National Institute for Mental Health.

Getting treatment

It begins with an appointment at Prime Pediatrics in Gaithersburg where your children's doctor will discuss his or her symptoms. Dr. Jamali may refer your youngster to a specialist in ADHD, such as a psychiatrist or neuropsychologist, who may order specialized tests.

Frequently, a care plan includes behavior modifications and changes to the child's education program. Social skills groups help kids interact with with others without interrupting or fidgeting. Medications such as Adderall, a stimulant, normalize behaviors, making them easier to manage.

Worried about ADHD? We can help

At Prime Pediatrics, Dr. Jamali and her team in Gaithersburg, MD, want families to feel comfortable discussing every concern about children's health and well-being. That includes behavioral health. If your youngster exhibits signs of ADHD, and you wish an expert opinion, call the office for an appointment. We are open Monday through Friday, from 8 am to 5:30 pm.

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