Signs That Your Child Has Conjunctivitis

How your pediatricians in Gaithersburg, Maryland can help protect your child’s eyes

If your child has ever had conjunctivitis, it can be scary. Your child’s vision is important, and you want to protect it. The pediatricians at Prime Pediatrics in Gaithersburg, Maryland offer comprehensive medical care for infants and children, including treatment for conjunctivitis, commonly known as pinkeye.

Conjunctivitis or pinkeye is caused by infection or inflammation of the eyeball membrane, known as the conjunctiva, and inner eyelid. This inflammation or infection can be caused by allergies, bacteria, or a virus.

Signs and symptoms of conjunctivitis include:

  • Eye redness and itching
  • Excessive tearing of your child’s eyes
  • A discharge coming from your child’s eyes
  • Crusting around your child’s eyes

If you think your child may have conjunctivitis, your pediatrician can help. Common treatments for conjunctivitis include:

  • Antihistamines, if the conjunctivitis is caused by allergies
  • Antibiotic eye drops if the conjunctivitis is caused by bacteria

If your newborn may have conjunctivitis, you need to see your pediatrician as soon as you can. Conjunctivitis in a newborn can be caused by a blocked tear duct or an infection and can have serious complications. Typically, newborns will develop eye drainage within 1 to 2 weeks of birth. The eyelids will look swollen and red.

You need to remember that conjunctivitis is highly contagious, so do not touch the area with your hands. Coming into contact with your child’s eyes or eye secretions can transfer conjunctivitis to you. Remember to thoroughly wash any bedding or other items that have come into contact with your child’s eyes.

If you have questions about conjunctivitis or other children’s health topics, your pediatrician is an expert and can help. Your child needs to visit a pediatrician regularly for immunizations, well-child visits, school physicals, and other services. Regular visits help keep your child healthy.

To find out more about conjunctivitis causes, symptoms, and treatment, call the pediatricians of Prime Pediatrics in Gaithersburg, Maryland at (301) 977-2440. Call today!

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