Signs Of Ear Infection To Your Child

Painful and concerning. That's what ear infections, or otitis media, are. If you suspect your child has one, please contact Prime Pediatrics in Gaithersburg, MD, for an evaluation. Your pediatricians, Dr. Farnough Jamali and Dr. Vahid Khajoee treat these uncomfortable conditions, helping young children feel better fast.

The details on pediatric ear infections

The National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders reports that 80 percent of children school-age and younger experience at least one episode of otitis media. Caused by bacteria introduced after the flu or other upper respiratory infection, ear infections easily attack the young immune system. They also take advantage of the horizontal position of a child's eustachian tube which connects the ear to the throat.

Sadly, some youngsters suffer repeated middle ear infections, resulting in many missed school days and even delays in speech and language development due to muffled hearing. That's why your pediatricians urge a visit to their office in Gaithersburg, MD, for a proper evaluation and treatment as needed.

Signs your child has an ear infection

If your child exhibits the following symptoms, you can suspect he or she has an ear infection:

  • Pain (babies will tug at the affected ear)
  • Fussiness
  • Crying
  • Inability to sleep
  • Fever
  • Drainage from the ear
  • Impaired balance

On examination with a lighted pneumatic otoscope, your child's doctor will see a dullness to the eardrum and rigidity when a puff of air is introduced into the ear canal. Also, Dr. Jamali or Dr. Khaojee may perform a simple tympanogram that sends sound waves into the eardrum and measures its reaction.

Treating ear infections

While some mild ear infections resolve in a few days, many worsen and require treatment with an antibiotic. Children's acetaminophen or ibuprofen alleviates pain and fever. Your child should feel better relatively quickly. However, fluid may remain behind the eardrum for several days to weeks.

Some children get ear infections on a continuing basis. These chronic illnesses may require intervention with ear tubes, small surgically-placed tubes that ventilate the middle ear.

Preventing ear infections

Sometimes there's little a parent can do to prevent otitis media. Some children are more prone than others to get the infection. However, here are some common-sense strategies which should help limit the number and severity of the infections:

  • As a family, practice good and frequent hand washing.
  • Avoid crowds during peak flu and cold season.
  • Do not prop a bottle in your child's crib at bedtime.
  • Keep your child home from daycare or school when he or she seems ill.

Learn more

At Prime Pediatrics in Gaithersburg, MD, our pediatricians and their support team know how to identify common childhood illnesses, such as ear infections. They'll work with you on a treatment plan to keep your child well. Call us for a sick appointment or with any questions you have about ear infections: (301) 977-2440.

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