Seeking Help for Your Child’s Sports Injuries

Find out the most common sports injuries and when to see your Gaithersburg pediatrician.

When it comes to playing sports the areas most prone to injuries are the head, finger, knees, ankle and face. Currently, strains and sprains remain the most commonly diagnosed problem in physically active children, according to WebMD, followed by broken bones, Common Sports Injuries bruises, and concussions.

So how do you protect your child before the first game of the season? Prevention is key! Not only will your child need to have a physical exam prior to the new season, which your Gaithersburg, MD children’s doctor Dr. Farnoush Jamali can easily perform for you, but during your child’s visit we should also spend time talking about your child’s nutrition, past injuries, and current stretching and training regime. Being proactive in the beginning is the best way to protect your child from a sports injury.

Broken Bones and Sprains

It can be difficult to know whether your child has actually broken a bone or not. Swelling, pain and bruising are common symptoms associated with broken bones and other injuries. If your child is experiencing pain a half hour after the injury has happened then it’s time to come into our office.


What happens if your child sustains a head injury? If your child is experiencing any of these symptoms then seek medical attention in Gaithersburg right away:

  • Headache
  • Disorientation
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Slurred speech
  • Mood changes
  • Memory loss
  • Poor balance

Concussions should always be treated seriously. If you child has sustained a blow to the head come into our office right away or go to your local emergency room. The sooner you seek treatment the better.

Sports Injuries due to Overuse

Unfortunately, overuse injuries are fairly common. Since kids tend to give it their all throughout the sports year and then practice even on the off season they are using the same muscle groups over and over again. This can put some serious and unnecessary strain on certain muscles, ligaments, and tendons. To prevent overuse injuries from befalling your little athlete it’s best to change up the sports they play throughout the year. Also, be sure that their own workout regime doesn’t involve the same repetitive movements. If you have any concerns be sure to address them the next time your child comes in to our Gaithersburg office.

No matter if you are looking for ways to prevent or treat sports injuries turn to Prime Pediatrics in Gaithersburg, MD for all of your child’s health needs.

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