Seasonal Influenza: Your Child’s Health

Flu season is in full swing, and many states are in the red zone for widespread flu. The strain of flu viruses, especially H1N1, is nothing to joke about. It’s important to stay healthy. Your pediatrician in Gaithersburg, Dr. Farnoush Jamali, provides important flu facts and tips to help you and your child stay healthy this season.
Although flu activity is minimal right now in the state of Maryland, you and your child still need to be cautious. You can never tell when there will be a spike in flu cases near you. To protect yourself and your family, follow these tips provided by your pediatrician in Gaithersburg.
  • Wash – remind your child to wash hands with antibacterial soap and warm water before he/she eats. You and your child can use alcohol-based hand sanitizer, but that shouldn’t be a substitute for soap and water.
  • Keep hands to yourself – to avoid exposing yourself to germs, don’t touch your nose, mouth or eyes.
  • Avoid contagious people. If a friend or family member has the flu, try not to have too much contact with him/her. Close contact can pass on germs and raise you and your child’s risk of catching the flu.
  • Don’t share food or drinks – Bodily fluids, like saliva, are an easy way for germs to transfer and attack another person’s immune system. At all times, whether or not it is flu season, avoid sharing drinks and food with other people. Use your own cup and utensils, and please make sure to wash your hands. Remember to remind your child to do the same thing.
Your Gaithersburg pediatrician also recommends an annual checkup and flu vaccine during this time of year. It’s better to be safe than sorry. A flu shot is the best preventative care for you and your child during this time.  It’s best to get it now because a flu vaccine typically takes two weeks to work up antibodies to protect the immune system.

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