How to Handle Your Child's Asthma?

Discover the best ways to treat and care for asthma in your little one.

Has your child just been diagnosed by their Gaithersburg pediatrician Dr. Farnoush Jamali? If so, then you are probably wondering how Asthmato best care for your child’s newly diagnosed condition. Learn all the tips for how to discover an asthmatic attack beforehand and how to treat your child’s symptoms.

Pinpointing Asthma Triggers

Every case of asthma is different and your child may have one or multiple asthma triggers. The most important thing is to be able to identify which triggers are affecting your child. Asthma triggers often change as your child gets older, as well as with the seasons. Common triggers include,

  • Cigarette smoke
  • Dust and dust mites
  • Pet dander
  • Perfumes
  • Exercises
  • Cold air
  • Changes in weather

Being able to pinpoint your child’s triggers will take time, which is why you should turn to your Gaithersburg pediatrician to help make this easier. Once we are able to identify certain kinds of patterns we can help you alter your child’s environment to reduce their symptoms.

Preventing Asthma Attacks

Children with asthma have chronic airway inflammation. Your child’s breathing could sound perfectly normal, but their airways might actually be inflamed and constricted, which could cause a flare-up. That’s why you should talk to your Gaithersburg pediatrician about which breathing tests would work best for your child.

Peak flow meters can be used in the comfort of your own home to measure airflow and in our office we can measure your child’s breathing with a spirometer, which provides detailed measurements to identify and prevent an asthma attack.

Taking Asthma Medications

Finding the right medication to help manage your child’s asthma will take some time. As with treating any condition, it always takes a little trial and error before finding the perfect treatment for your little one.

There are two forms of asthma medication: quick-acting (or rescue medication) and long-term preventive (controller). Your Gaithersburg pediatrician Dr. Jamali can help you determine which medication or medications are best suited for your child’s asthma symptoms. While medications won’t prevent all asthma attacks, it can certainly go a long way to reducing the number of flare-ups.

No question or concern is insignificant when it comes to the health of your child. Call Prime Pediatrics today to schedule an appointment. Let’s make your child’s asthma easier to manage.

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