How to Deal With Ear Infections

If your child has an ear infection here’s how you should handle it.

Ear infections are incredibly common, particularly for young children. In fact, about five out of six children will have at least one ear infection by the time they turn three years old. Wondering whether an ear infection means you need to immediately rush over to visit our Gaithersburg, MD, board-certified pediatrician, Dr. Farnoush Jamali, for care? Does an ear infection always need to be treated with antibiotics?

What causes ear infections?

There are many reasons why your child may develop an ear infection. Often times they occur after your child has recovered from a cold or strep infection. If your child has allergies they may also be more at risk for developing ear infections. Kids who are exposed to secondhand smoke or children who are bottle-fed instead of breastfeeding may also be more at risk for ear infections.

When should I take my child to the doctor?

So, you suspect that your child has an ear infection but does this mean dropping everything to turn to our Gaithersburg, MD, pediatrician for treatment? Not necessarily. In some cases, you may be able to soothe mild symptoms with cold compresses and pain relievers (depending on your child’s age); however, you should bring your child in for an evaluation if,

  • Your child’s symptoms become worse
  • Ear pain is so severe that they can’t stop crying
  • There is bleeding or pus draining from the ear
  • Your child doesn’t seem to hear you or isn’t responding to you

Of course, we understand that dealing with a sick child may be worrisome. Don’t hesitate to call our practice and discuss your child’s symptoms with us over the phone. We can help you determine whether or not they should come into our practice to provide you with peace of mind.

Are antibiotics always prescribed?

Antibiotics aren’t always necessary. When you come into our Gaithersburg, MD, practice, our pediatrician Dr. Jamali will perform a thorough examination and determine whether we take a “wait and see” approach to see if the infection clears up on its own or whether antibiotics are necessary. Many ear infections will clear up on their own but we can provide you with helpful tips to help reduce pain and fever and help your little one feel more comfortable until the infection clears up.

If your child is dealing with a severe ear infection or recurring infections, it’s important that you speak with our Gaithersburg, MD, pediatrician to find out what’s going on. After all, leaving ear infections untreated can lead to hearing loss and other long-term issues. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Jamali at Prime Pediatrics, simply call (301) 977-2440 today.

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