How to deal with childhood Asthma

Childhood asthma can be very stressful for both the children whom it affects as well their parents. Asthma is a serious, life-threatening condition affecting millions of American children each year. When a child is diagnosed, parents may feel worried about their child's health and also nervous about managing the condition.

While childhood asthma is not different than adult asthma, managing the symptoms and triggers may be more complex. Asthma symptoms may interfere with school, sports, or playtime activities. Children may not be able to manage their own exposure to certain triggers such as pet dander or mold. They may also need more physical help treating their symptoms, using an inhaler, or calling for help.

To reduce or prevent asthma triggers, there are simple steps you can take in your own home. First, maintain low humidity by using a dehumidifier. Also, be sure to keep your indoor air as clean as possible by changing filters. You can also install a small-particle filter in your ventilation system.

Reduce your child's exposure to pet dander by avoiding pets that shed fur or have feathers. Otherwise, keep the pets bathed and groomed to limit the amount of dander transferred onto your furniture, carpet, or bedding.

Air conditioners help to reduce the amount of pollen indoors. They also help to reduce dust mites by lowering humidity in the home. It also helps to clean your home regularly so that dust doesn't collect and become breathed into the lungs.

Childhood asthma is no reason to limit a child's exercise. In fact, regular exercise can help lesson the symptoms and keep your child in good overall health. Unhealthy weight gain can make asthma symptoms worse, so it's important to help your child stay active and eating a healthy diet. Also, acid reflux can worsen asthma symptoms, so it's best to avoid foods that may trigger heartburn.

If you or your child find it difficult to cope with asthma, consider joining a childhood asthma support group where you'll find guidance and help from parents experienced in the condition. There are also "asthma camps" for children to meet and make friends with others suffering from asthma. Of course, talk to your child's pediatrician at Prime Pediatrics, who will be an incredible resource for helping your family deal with the challenges, triggers, and treatments for childhood asthma.

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