Respiratory Illnesses in Children: Bronchiolitis, Pneumonia, and Asthma Flare-Ups

When your child is having difficulty breathing, it is disturbing and you may panic. This is a normal reaction to your child being in danger. Knowing what to do to help your cold and who to call is vital. Having a pediatrician is essential. You can count on Dr. Harnoush Jamali and Dr. Hanieh Jafarieh of Prime Pediatrics in Gaithersburg, MD, and serving Rockville and Germantown, MD. Our dedicated staff provides care for respiratory illnesses. Our staff is multilingual, we speak English, Farsi, Spanish, Italian, Tagalog, and Hebrew.


The smallest air passages in the lungs are called bronchiole. When the bronchioles become swollen and filled with mucus, the condition is called bronchiolitis. This condition is most common in children under the age of two. The peak age for this to affect infants is between three and six months, and it can be quite severe. It is a viral infection and is spread to young children by others who have a virus including RSV. It can lead to hospitalization. Symptoms include fever, wheezing and shortness of breath, coughing, fatigue and when the skin is blueish the emergency room is called for. 


Pneumonia is a potentially serious illness in children. It is one of the leading causes of death in children under the age of five in the world. It is an infection that can be caused by a virus or by bacteria. The most common viruses that cause pneumonia are RSV and influenza. It can't be treated by antibiotics since a virus doesn't respond to antibiotics. Watching your child struggle for breath can be a frightening occurrence. Pneumonia is often mistaken for a cold. A fever, a cough, and congestion are common. Loss of appetite can lead to dehydration. If you notice the lips are turning blue, call your pediatrician in Gaithersburg, MD. 

Asthma Flare-ups

Some asthma flare-ups in children are mild and others are life-threatening. They should never be taken lightly. You and your pediatrician should have a treatment plan in place if your child has a flare-up. It is also vital that you know what can trigger an asthma flare-up in your children and make every effort to avoid the triggers. As soon as a flare-up begins, you should administer the quick relief medication as quickly as possible. Never go anywhere without an inhaler or other medication. This can be a matter of life or death. 

When you need a pediatrician for respiratory illnesses, Dr. Jamali and Dr. Jafarieh of Prime Pediatrics in Gaithersburg, MD, and serving Rockville and Germantown, MD provide the childcare services that you require. Give our office a call today at (301) 977-2440 for an appointment.

When your child is having difficulty breathing, it is disturbing and you may panic. This is a normal reaction to your child being in danger. Knowing what to do to help your cold and who to call is vital. Having a pediatrician is essential. You can count on Dr. Harnoush Jamali and Dr. Hanieh Jafarieh of Prime Pediatrics in Gaithersburg, MD, and serving Rockville and Germantown, MD. Our dedicated staff provides care for respiratory illnesses. Our staff is multilingual, we speak English, Farsi, Spanish, Italian, Tagalog, and Hebrew.


The smallest air passages in the lungs are called bronchiole. When the bronchioles become swollen and filled with mucus, the condition is called bronchiolitis. This condition is most common in children under the age of two. The peak age for this to affect infants is between three and six months, and it can be quite severe. It is a viral infection and is spread to young children by others who have a virus including RSV. It can lead to hospitalization. Symptoms include fever, wheezing and shortness of breath, coughing, fatigue and when the skin is blueish the emergency room is called for. 


Pneumonia is a potentially serious illness in children. It is one of the leading causes of death in children under the age of five in the world. It is an infection that can be caused by a virus or by bacteria. The most common viruses that cause pneumonia are RSV and influenza. It can't be treated by antibiotics since a virus doesn't respond to antibiotics. Watching your child struggle for breath can be a frightening occurrence. Pneumonia is often mistaken for a cold. A fever, a cough, and congestion are common. Loss of appetite can lead to dehydration. If you notice the lips are turning blue, call your pediatrician in Gaithersburg, MD. 

Asthma Flare-ups

Some asthma flare-ups in children are mild and others are life-threatening. They should never be taken lightly. You and your pediatrician should have a treatment plan in place if your child has a flare-up. It is also vital that you know what can trigger an asthma flare-up in your children and make every effort to avoid the triggers. As soon as a flare-up begins, you should administer the quick relief medication as quickly as possible. Never go anywhere without an inhaler or other medication. This can be a matter of life or death. 

When you need a pediatrician for respiratory illnesses, Dr. Jamali and Dr. Jafarieh of Prime Pediatrics in Gaithersburg, MD, and serving Rockville and Germantown, MD provide the childcare services that you require. Give our office a call today at (301) 977-2440 for an appointment.

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