The Role of Pediatricians in Early Childhood Development

As your child grows, they will begin to develop in many different ways. They’ll get bigger and start to learn to walk and communicate and they’ll start to develop crucial functions that can help as they get older. Your baby will start with small developments like smiling and laughing and will eventually begin to crawl and talk. It’s important that you have the assistance of your pediatrician as your child develops so that you can ensure everything is going smoothly and that there aren’t any developmental delays that could impact your child’s health. Dr. Farnoush Jamali and Dr. Hanieh Jafarieh at Prime Pediatrics in Gaithersburg, MD, can explain how a pediatrician is crucial to childhood development and what childhood development might entail.

Understanding Your Child’s Development 

Each child develops at different speeds and it’s important that you know not to panic if your child takes a little longer for specific milestones. It doesn’t always need to be a cause for concern, but it is important to update your pediatrician in Gaithersburg, MD, about any milestones or delays that your child may be experiencing.  

Early childhood developments can shape a lot of your child’s future and their overall physical health. When your child has any delays, they must get the care that they need to succeed and be their best self. Some delays may need extra accommodations and it’s important not to hesitate to get your child those extra needs.  

Your pediatrician can walk you through your child’s development and help you monitor any delays that may be happening. When you discuss your child’s developmental milestones with their pediatrician, you can also ensure that your child is on the right track. When they meet their milestones, it can help positively shape their future skills and help improve their emotional and social health. 

Your pediatrician can also help explain how to strengthen any parts of development that your child may be lacking. This also gives your child a safe space to discuss any issues they may have in the future so that they can get all the help that they need to do their best in life! 

Contact Our Pediatrician Today

Make sure that you’re not monitoring your child’s development on your own. Contact Dr. Farnoush Jamali and Dr. Hanieh Jafarieh at Prime Pediatrics in Gaithersburg, MD, to learn more about development and how a pediatrician can help. It’s important that you’re giving your child all the possible tools you have so that they can get all the care and nurturing that they may need. Call for more information and to schedule an appointment for your child today at (301) 977-2440.

As your child grows, they will begin to develop in many different ways. They’ll get bigger and start to learn to walk and communicate and they’ll start to develop crucial functions that can help as they get older. Your baby will start with small developments like smiling and laughing and will eventually begin to crawl and talk. It’s important that you have the assistance of your pediatrician as your child develops so that you can ensure everything is going smoothly and that there aren’t any developmental delays that could impact your child’s health. Dr. Farnoush Jamali and Dr. Hanieh Jafarieh at Prime Pediatrics in Gaithersburg, MD, can explain how a pediatrician is crucial to childhood development and what childhood development might entail.

Understanding Your Child’s Development 

Each child develops at different speeds and it’s important that you know not to panic if your child takes a little longer for specific milestones. It doesn’t always need to be a cause for concern, but it is important to update your pediatrician in Gaithersburg, MD, about any milestones or delays that your child may be experiencing.  

Early childhood developments can shape a lot of your child’s future and their overall physical health. When your child has any delays, they must get the care that they need to succeed and be their best self. Some delays may need extra accommodations and it’s important not to hesitate to get your child those extra needs.  

Your pediatrician can walk you through your child’s development and help you monitor any delays that may be happening. When you discuss your child’s developmental milestones with their pediatrician, you can also ensure that your child is on the right track. When they meet their milestones, it can help positively shape their future skills and help improve their emotional and social health. 

Your pediatrician can also help explain how to strengthen any parts of development that your child may be lacking. This also gives your child a safe space to discuss any issues they may have in the future so that they can get all the help that they need to do their best in life! 

Contact Our Pediatrician Today

Make sure that you’re not monitoring your child’s development on your own. Contact Dr. Farnoush Jamali and Dr. Hanieh Jafarieh at Prime Pediatrics in Gaithersburg, MD, to learn more about development and how a pediatrician can help. It’s important that you’re giving your child all the possible tools you have so that they can get all the care and nurturing that they may need. Call for more information and to schedule an appointment for your child today at (301) 977-2440.

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