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American Academy of Pediatrics Logo

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is an organization of 67,000 primary care pediatricians, pediatric medical subspecialists, and pediatric surgical specialists dedicated to the health, safety, and well-being of all infants, children, adolescents, and young adults.

As part of that commitment, the AAP publishes expert advice for parents, caregivers, and patients on Pediatric Patient Education. Information can be accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and many titles also are available in Spanish.

  • Jaundice - Symptom

    Information and guidance on jaundice.

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  • Jaundice and Your Newborn

    Here is information from the American Academy of Pediatrics about jaundice, bilirubin levels, treatment of jaundice, when to follow up after discharge, and when to call the doctor.

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  • Jaundiced Newborn

    Jaundice means the skin has turned a yellow color. Bilirubin is the pigment that turns the skin yellow.

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  • Jellyfish Sting

    Sting from a jellyfish. Jellyfish cause most of the stings that occur in sea water. The main symptoms are pain, burning and redness at the sting site. Red lines are common.

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  • Jock Itch

    Fungus infection and rash of the groin and inner, upper thighs. Jock itch is also called ringworm of the crotch

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  • Joint Hypermobility Syndrome (Normal Loose Joints)

    Children with this syndrome have loose joints. Movement at their joints are excessive. Joints can be stretched beyond the normal range. Affects over 10% of children.

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  • Keep Your Family Safe: Fire Safety and Burn Prevention at Home

    Fires and burns cause almost 4,000 deaths and about 20,000 hospitalizations every year. Winter is an especially dangerous time, as space heaters, fireplaces, and candles get more use in the home. It is no surprise that fires in the home are more common between December and February. However, you might

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  • Keratosis Pilaris

    A chronic condition of dry, rough skin on the upper arms. Called Keratosis Pilaris (KP)

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  • Knee Injury

    Information and guidance on injury to a knee.

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  • Know the Facts About HIV and AIDS

    HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a virus that can lead to AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). While there is no cure for HIV, early diagnosis and treatment are very effective at keeping people healthy. In addition, there are things you can do to prevent getting HIV. Read on to learn more

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  • Labial Fusion

    The labia minora (vaginal lips or folds) are stuck together. Also called labial adhesions

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  • Laboratory Tests—Autism Toolkit

    All children have some laboratory tests at birth and as part of regular checkups. Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) often need more tests. These tests can help find the cause of the condition or problems related to it that may not be obvious. This helps guide your child’s doctor in treating

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  • Lacrosse (Care of the Young Athlete)

    Lacrosse is one of the fastest-growing sports in the United States. It's both a contact (boys) and noncontact (girls) sport. Injuries differ between the contact game of boys' lacrosse (body contact and stick checking allowed) and the noncontact

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  • Lactose Intolerance and Your Child

    After drinking milk or eating ice cream, does your child have stomach cramps or get diarrhea? If so, your child may have lactose intolerance.

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  • Laryngitis - Allergic

    Allergic reaction of the voicebox (larynx) and vocal cords.

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  • Laryngitis - Viral

    Viral infection of the voicebox (larynx) and vocal cords.

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  • Lawn Mower Safety

    The power lawn mower is one of the most dangerous tools around the home. Each year, approximately 68,000 persons with injuries caused by power mowers were treated in emergency departments. More than 9,000 of the people hurt were younger than 18 years. Older children and adolescents were most often hurt

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  • Lawn Mower Safety

    Each year many children are injured severely by lawn mowers. Power mowers can be especially dangerous. However, most lawn mower-related injuries can be prevented by following these safety guidelines.

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  • Lead Is a Poison: What You Need to Know

    Lead in the body can affect child development and behavior. Lead is a metal that is found in a lot of places. Although you can’t usually see lead, you can do things to prevent your child from being exposed to it. No safe level of lead has been identified for children. Children have the most risk factors

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  • Learning Disabilities: What Parents Need to Know

    Your child will learn many things in life—how to listen, speak, read, write, and do math. Some skills may be harder to learn than others. If your child is trying his best to learn certain skills but is not able to keep up with his peers, it’s important to find out why. Your child may have a learning

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  • Leg Injury

    Injuries to the leg (hip to foot). Injuries to a bone, muscle, joint or ligament. Muscle pain caused by too much exercise or work is covered in Leg Pain. (This is called overuse.)

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  • Leg Pain - Attention-Getting Type

    Information and guidance on leg pain in children.

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  • Leg Pain - Muscle Cramps

    Leg muscle cramps from sports or hard work (muscle overuse). The pain is not caused by an injury. Also called muscle spasms or heat cramps.

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  • Leg Pain - Muscle Strain

    Leg muscle pain from hard work or sports (muscle overuse). Pain is not caused by an injury. Also called muscle overuse syndrome.

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  • Leg Pain - Symptom

    Pain in the legs. Includes hip, knee, ankle and toe joints. Includes minor muscle strain from hard work or sports (overuse). The pain is not caused by an injury.

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  • Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Teens: Information for Parents

    It is important for parents of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) teens to remember that each child is unique and will have their own experiences and feelings. “Coming out” is a lifelong journey of understanding, acknowledging, and sharing one’s gender identity or sexual orientation

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  • Lice (Pediculosis Capitis)—Child Care and Schools

    Yes, at the end of the program or school day.

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  • Lice - Head

    Head lice is a scalp infection with tiny gray bugs (lice). Lice lay many white eggs (nits) in the hair.

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  • Life Jackets and Life Preservers

    If your family enjoys boating, sailing, canoeing, and using personal watercraft on lakes, rivers, and streams, be sure your children wear the correct life jackets. If you do, they will be able to take part in these activities more safely.

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  • Little League Elbow (Care of the Young Athlete)

    Little League elbow is a common overuse injury associated with throwing. This injury is most common in pitchers but also occurs in catchers, infielders, and outfielders.

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  • Low Body Temperature - Normal

    Information and guidance on low body temperature.

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  • Lyme Disease

    Lyme disease is an important public health problem in some areas of the United States. Since its discovery in Lyme, CT, in 1975, thousands of cases of the disease have been reported across the United States and around the world. By knowing more about the disease and how to prevent it, you can help keep

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  • Lyme Disease

    Lyme Disease is a bacterial infection spread from a deer tick bite.

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  • Lyme Disease (and Other Tick-borne Diseases)—Child Care and Schools

    An infection caused by a type of bacteria, known as spirochetes, that is transmitted when particular types of ticks attach to a person’s skin and feed on that person’s blood. These ticks are very small, only a few millimeters (about the size of a freckle); the ticks that transit Lyme disease are

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  • Lymph Node - Normal

    Lymph nodes are small bean-shaped lumps found under the skin. Also called lymph glands.

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