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The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is an organization of 67,000 primary care pediatricians, pediatric medical subspecialists, and pediatric surgical specialists dedicated to the health, safety, and well-being of all infants, children, adolescents, and young adults.

As part of that commitment, the AAP publishes expert advice for parents, caregivers, and patients on Pediatric Patient Education. Information can be accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and many titles also are available in Spanish.

  • Headache - Migraine

    Your child is having a migraine headache. It is like previous migraines

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  • Headache - Muscle Tension

    Pain or discomfort in the muscles of the scalp. This includes the forehead to the back of the head

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  • Headache - Stress Related

    Headaches often are caused by stress. Headaches occur when your child is worried about something or under pressure. These are often called “stress headaches.”

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  • Headache - Symptom

    Pain or discomfort of the head. This includes the forehead to the back of the head

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  • Headaches: What Teens Need to Know

    A lot of teens do. In fact, 50% to 75% of all teens report having at least one headache per month!

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  • Health Care for College Students

    College is filled with many opportunities to learn and experience life. You'll be responsible for making your own choices, including choices about your health. Following is important information to help you stay healthy and safe on your new journey.

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  • Healthy Communication With Your Child

    Healthy communication with your child is one of the most important and rewarding skills that you can develop as a parent. It also makes the tough parts of parenting (such as disciplining your child) much easier and more effective. Good communication

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  • Healthy Weight Patient Pledge

    Information and guidance on helping patients to establish a healthy weight pledge.

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  • Heart Rate Fast - Normal Causes

    Your child’s heart rate (HR) sometimes speeds up. It seems too fast. The medical name for this is tachycardia. Most of the time, your child’s HR seems normal.

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  • Heart Rate Fast - Stress Related

    Information and guidance on recurrent bouts of fast heart rates that relate to stress in children.

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  • Heartburn

    Pain or burning caused by irritation of the lower esophagus from stomach acid. The esophagus is the tube from mouth to stomach. Pain is located in the lower chest or upper belly. Also, called acid indigestion

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  • Heat Rash

    A fine pink rash caused by overheating. Mainly on the face, neck, chest, and upper back

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  • Heat Reactions

    Symptoms after being in high temperatures (such as heat waves). Symptoms after hard work or sports during hot weather.

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  • Help Stop Teenage Suicide Read More
  • Helping Your Child Cope With Life

    Here is information from the American Academy of Pediatrics about how you can help your children be more resilient.

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  • Helping Your School-Age Child Cope With Death

    By school age, children understand that death is an irreversible event. Yet even though youngsters recognize that death is something more than going to sleep for a long time, they still may have many unanswered questions that they may not verbalize: Where did grandmother go when she died? What is she

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  • Hepatitis A Infection—Child Care and Schools

    Fecal-oral route: Contact with feces of children who are infected. This generally involves an infected child contaminating his own fingers, then touching an object that another child touches. The child who touched the contaminated surface then puts her fingers into her own mouth or another person’s

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  • Hepatitis A Vaccine (VIS)

    Hepatitis A is a serious liver disease caused by the hepatitis A virus (HAV). HAV is found in the stool of people with hepatitis A.

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  • Hepatitis B Infection—Child Care and Schools

    Yes, if a child with known hepatitis B exhibits any of the following:

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  • Hepatitis B Vaccine: What Parents Need to Know

    Hepatitis B is a viral infection of the liver. It is caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). Lifelong HBV infection can lead to liver cancer or scarring of the liver (cirrhosis). More than 1 million people in the United States are living with

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  • Hepatitis C

    Anyone can get infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV), the virus that causes hepatitis C. Hepatitis C is a liver infection that can lead to serious liver problems and possibly death. Although most children and adolescents recover from the initial phase of HCV infection, 70% to 80% of acute infections

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  • Hernia - Inguinal

    A hernia is a bulge in the groin or upper scrotum. The bulge contains a loop of intestine. It slides through a defect in the muscles of the lower abdomen.

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  • Herpangina

    A viral infection that causes little ulcers in the back of the mouth

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  • Herpes Gingivostomatitis

    A viral infection of the mouth and lips in young children

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  • Herpes Simplex (Cold Sores)—Child Care and Schools

    In early childhood, herpes simplex virus most commonly causes blister-like sores in the mouth and around the lips and on skin that is in contact with the mouth, such as a sucked thumb or finger.

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  • Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b) Vaccine (VIS)

    Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) disease is a serious disease caused by bacteria. It usually affects children under 5 years old. It can also affect adults with certain medical conditions.

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  • Hiccups or Burps - Normal

    Hiccups are repeated gulping sounds caused by sudden spasms of the diaphragm. Burping is the sound made by the sudden release of stomach air through the mouth.

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  • Hip Dysplasia (Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip)

    Hip dysplasia is not always detectable at birth or during well-child visits. However, it is important for hip dysplasia, once found, to be evaluated by an expert and treated if needed. Here is information from the American Academy of Pediatrics about hip dysplasia, including risk factors and treatment.

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  • Hip Injury

    Information and guidance on hip injury in children.

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  • Hitting and Aggressive Behavior

    Hitting is the most common type of aggressive behavior. Others include slapping, pinching, scratching, poking, hair-pulling, biting, kicking, shoving, and knocking down.

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  • Hives

    Hives is a rash made up of raised pink bumps with pale centers. Most often, rash is very itchy

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  • Hoarse Voice - Symptom

    A hoarse voice (or cry) is raspy and deeper than normal. If hoarseness is severe, the child can do little more than whisper.

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  • Home Drug Testing: What Parents Need to Know

    Remember that your teen’s doctor can help assess whether your teen has a drug problem and a laboratory test is not always needed. However, if a drug test is recommended, your teen should know about it. The American Academy of Pediatrics opposes drug tests without a teen’s knowledge and consent.

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  • Home Safety Checklist

    Is your house a safe place for your child to live and play? The following safety checklist can help you prevent serious injuries or even death. Though it addresses common safety concerns, it's important to remember that every house is different and no checklist is complete. Because there may be other

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  • Home Water Hazards for Young Children

    Each year many young children drown in swimming pools, other bodies of water, and standing water around the home. Children must be watched by an adult at all times when in or near water. Children may drown in an inch or 2 of water.

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